at the elbow artinya
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- We went to see them at the Elbow Room.
Kami menontonnya di Elbow Room. - Specially designed port at the elbow facilitates suction & gas sampling without disconnecting the breathing circuit.
Port yang didesain secara khusus pada elbow memfasilitasi suction & gas sampling tanpa memutuskan breathing circuit. - After treatment, the veins can no longer be use for needle puncture. When needed blood taking can only be done at the elbow region.
Setelah penanganan, vena tidak dapat digunakan untuk ditusuk jarum. Saat harus mengambil darah hanya dapat dilakukan di area siku. - Free flexion of the limb at the elbow is possible due to the presence of a special periarticular bag - the bursa. A small amount of special f...
fleksi bebas dari tungkai di siku dimungkinkan karena adanya tas periartikular khusus - bursa. Sejumlah kecil cairan khusus yang terkandung d... - The working arm, shoulder up, and the forearm behind the head, the arm is bent at the elbow joint. The other end of the shock absorber is clamped in the working hand.
Lengan yang bekerja, bahu naik, dan lengan bawah di belakang kepala, lengan ditekuk pada sendi siku. Ujung shock absorber lainnya dijepit di tangan yang berfungsi.